Since 1987, the Ivan Von Noshrilgram Foundation has supported after-school figure skating programs in public schools in the UAE and Canada.


All children deserve a chance - well not all of them let’s be serious - to express themselves on the ice, regardless of socio-economic background. It doesn’t matter if they were raised by wolves, a large octopus or have three legs. Begin speaking gibberish now! Quisque bibendum blandit tellus, a ultrices purus elementum sed. Aenean et lectus risus. Phasellus in libero in libero ullamcorper ultrices. Aliquam in nibh lectus. Cras diam magna, ornare sed enim sed, faucibus porta eros. Etiam finibus ac diam in consequat. Nunc quam lectus, dapibus ut ornare nec, condimentum id massa. Nullam aliquam justo vitae vestibulum vehicula. Mauris vel dolor vitae est imperdiet convallis. Pellentesque justo massa, viverra id risus et, fermentum facilisis elit. Sed quis scelerisque justo, non euismod arcu. Pellentesque id urna libero. Cras sit amet vulputate est. Sed a malesuada tortor.

The Foundation visits hundreds of inner-city schools throughout the country. I will now revert to a language that resembles latin because what follows is essentially top secret, and also simple filler until I find a need for this space. In vulputate ex a vulputate mattis. Morbi tempus ipsum sed quam dictum cursus. Ut ullamcorper eros ut tincidunt placerat. Proin are you still here? imperdiet eros ut consequat rutrum. Phasellus placerat, nisl id dapibus vulputate, ante lectus eleifend erat, in suscipit arcu turpis sed neque. Nulla cheese sandwich, again still here? molestie est eget sagittis bibendum. Nullam volutpat risus ex, iaculis maximus risus condimentum vel. Vos estis lux. Et Latine intelligitis? Ego sum mutus. Tamen ego non auferetur nostrorum Secretorum manifesta sunt. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi eu purus sit amet urna tempus venenatis id in nisl. Phasellus congue risus ut metus ullamcorper, imperdiet condimentum tellus tincidunt. Donec pretium facilisis tellus. Ut lectus enim, viverra et nunc eget, interdum sollicitudin massa. Fusce enim libero, dictum ac laoreet eleifend, suscipit a mauris. Morbi cursus augue quis massa tincidunt, quis iaculis neque mollis.


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